

自动闸门操作员 – An electromechanical device that opens and closes the car gate automatically.


备用电池 – An emergency power source that will allow you to lower the elevator to the next lower level in the event of a power failure.


C.O.P. -汽车操作面板(C.O.P.) is the control panel inside the elevator that houses the floor buttons, 电灯开关, 报警按钮, 紧急停止开关和可选钥匙锁.

呼叫正规购彩平台或呼叫按钮 – Pressing the call button in the hallway will “call the elevator” to you, 如果正规购彩平台没有使用和/或位于不同的楼层.


汽车门 -与汽车相连并随汽车移动的门或门.

控制器 – The controller houses the electrical control circuits of the elevator.


驱动系统 – The drive system is the power and strength behind lifting the elevator car and its passenger(s). Fox Valley Elevator (formerly Waupaca Elevator) utilizes two types of drive systems, 卷筒和绳式液压.

升降机 – Is a self contained car that is lowered and raised on a vertical path. Fox Valley (formerly Waupaca) dumbwaiters can carry loads from 50 lbs. 至500磅. 取决于所选择的模型. Load examples may be fireplace wood, grocery bags, laundry and paperwork.


机电联锁 – Electrically wired lock in the hoistway door that prevents the door from opening when the elevator is not stopped at the landing. 除非所有的门都关了,否则正规购彩平台不会运行.


– The gate is a door that attaches to the outer edge of the elevator or dumbwaiter car. It prevents objects inside the car from coming into contact with objects outside of the car during travel. 门的样式包括


大厅里站 – The 大厅里站 refers to the panel located outside the elevator doorway in the hallway that houses the call button.

– An opening through a building or structure for the travel of elevators. 也叫正规购彩平台井道.

厅门 – The hoistway door allows access to the hoistway and is prevented from opening unless the elevator is stopped and waiting at that particular landing.

回家的正规购彩平台 – A home (or residential) elevator is an elevator primarily designed for the needs of private residences and multi-family housing such as townhomes and condominiums.

液压(说服) – This drive system utilizes a hydraulic jack and a wire rope to raise and lower.


杰克(液压) – A unit consisting of a cylinder equipped with a plunger or piston which applies the energy provided by a liquid under pressure.


着陆 – A term used to describe each floor on which the elevator will open.


机房 – This is a room constructed adjacent to the elevator hoistway to accommodate the drive system and electrical control box.

机器的房间里 – Since the drive system is located on top of the rail in the hoistway. The Control box is located nearby but does not require a separate room.

蒙次 – 蒙次 is the name given to the bronze tone finish on the hall stations and car operating panel.


净空高度 – This is the clearance needed to accommodate the components on top of an elevator car. It is measured from the upper level floor to the lowest obstruction at the top of the hoistway.


– Portion of a hoistway extending from sill level of lowest landing to the floor at the bottom of the hoistway. The pit provides clearance for the support components that are below the floor of the elevator car allowing the elevator floor to level with the door opening.
气动升降 – an elevator that derives its lifting power through the use of a vacuum in an airtight tube.


铁路 – The rail is the steel track that guides the elevator when it travels up and down the hoistway. 根据模型的不同,可能有一个或两个轨道.

住宅正规购彩平台 – A residential (or home) elevator is an elevator primarily designed for the needs of private homes and multi-family housing such as townhomes and condominiums.

说服液压 – A drive system utilizing a hydraulic jack connected to the car wire ropes or indirectly coupled to the car via wire ropes and sheaves.


服务断开 —位于机房控制器附近, the service disconnect is the main electrical power switch to the elevator.

滑轮 -滑轮.

吊索 —l型重型金属支架,用于支撑正规购彩平台轿厢. 吊索上下移动,承载着正规购彩平台轿厢.


承重能力 -是可以添加到正规购彩平台的总重量. 为安全起见,切勿超过正规购彩平台轿厢的载重量.

绕组鼓 – A geared drive machine in which the suspension ropes are fastened to and wind on a rotating drum.